Customer Success OKR Examples

Coming up with your Customer Success OKRs can be a difficult task, so on this page, we’ll help you by providing some clear, very concrete OKR examples that your Customer Success team can use as inspiration when creating your OKR.

Catch customers likely to churn

Key results:

  • Decrease % of "likely to churn" customers who churn from 50% to 25%

Capture successful customers usable for testimonials

Key results:

  • 5 customers likely to use in testimonials delivered monthly to marketing team

Reach stellar customer onboarding

Key results:

  • Average response time during onboarding steps of below 1 minute
  • Average review rating of 4.5 for onboarding-related tickets

Make team available when our customers need us

Key results:

  • Improve shift schedule to cover hours when 90% of customer buy

Achieve best in class response times

Key results:

  • Maintain a level of 95% answered tickets within 24 hours during the last 14 days
  • Achieve avg. rating of 4.5/5 of the same tickets

Reach new stellar team response times

Key results:

  • Maintain a level of 95% answered tickets within 24 hours during the last 14 days
  • Achieve avg. rating of 4.5/5 of the same tickets

Achieve our best satisfaction score to date

Key results:

  • Increase 7-day avg. satisfaction score from 4.5 to 4.8

Develop stellar skills within the team

Key results:

  • Reach 100% success rate on team members passing Reforge Customer Success course

Optimize new user activation

Key results:

  • Increase percentage of new users who are considered "activated" from 30% to 45%

What You’ll Learn About Customer Success OKR

After you’re done reading this, you should be able to create your own Objectives and Key Results that match where you want your team or organization to go. You’ll learn:

  • Why Customer Success teams benefit from OKR

  • A great OKR example

  • The key parts that make up an OKR

  • Why you should focus on outcomes instead of outputs

  • … and more OKR examples for Customer Success

Why Customer Success Benefit From Using OKR

Customer Success teams’ main priority is ensuring that the company’s customers are succeeding with solving their problems. Something that OKR can help with.

First, take a look at 1 great example of a Customer Success OKR and talk about what makes it great.

A Great Customer Success OKR Example

  • Objective: Achieve our best satisfaction score to date

  • Key Result 1: Increase 7-day avg. satisfaction score from 4.5 to 4.8

The Key Elements To A Great Customer Success OKR Example

Let’s go over why the example above is a great OKR example for a Customer Success team. Overall, a great OKR should follow the SMART guidelines of being:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Results-oriented

  • Time-bound

OKR Criteria: Specific

This example is concerned with a satisfaction score. These are usually measured after a customer has interacted with the Customer Success team. The example is very specifically tied to this score, and not just overall satisfaction, which is a lot more intangible.

OKR Criteria: Measurable

Because we chose a dedicated metric, it’s a lot easier to check the box that the OKR is measurable. We measure satisfaction based on the satisfaction score and agree that’s how we evaluate customer satisfaction. There are plenty of other metrics to include, but for now, we focus on this one.

OKR Criteria: Achievable

It’s important to have achievable OKRs. They should always be ambitious, but nothing is more demotivating than unachievable goals. A rule of thumb is that the chance of achieving a Key Result should be around 50% from the start. If you reach 70% and above, it’s considered a success.

OKR Criteria: Results-oriented

Being focused on results is a very important aspect of OKR. It’s so important, that we’ve dedicated an entire section to describing why you should focus on outcomes over outputs below.

OKR Criteria: Time-bound

A key part of defining a goal is also defining when you’re expecting it to be met. For OKR, your goals are usually divided into different cycles and your goals should of course be reached within the end of the cycle.

Focus On Outcomes Over Outputs

As a Customer Success team, it’s easy to get caught up in focusing your day-to-day work on the outputs of what you do. Doing X gets us Y. But you shouldn’t do that.

OKRs are meant to force you to think about your desired outcome. Then activate the people in your team and democratize how you’ll get there. The key way to turn output-focused goals into outcome-focused goals is to ask “why?”. “Why do we want the output you’re describing?”.

“Receive 10 reviews of our onboarding assistance” is a goal focused on outputs. Why do we want that? Well, because it’ll get us to a state where we have more successful customers. Voila, know you have your ingredients for the key results. To give more context, let’s dive into more Customer Success-focused OKR examples.

An OKR focusing on Customer Success response time

We both know that Customer Success teams usually love to focus on their ability to respond to customer inquiries fast, as it reflects the overall efficiency of the team.

But, it’s important to still keep your eye on the ball and make sure that other important metrics aren’t dropping as you improve this one. If we were to engage in an OKR that was focused on response time, we could formulate it like this:

  • Objective: Reach new stellar team response times

  • Key Result 1: Maintain a level of 95% answered tickets within 24 hours during the last 14 days

  • Key Result 2: Achieve avg. rating of 4.5/5 of the same tickets

OKR around team skill development

It’s important to keep developing the skill within your team. As such, including an OKR about team skill development often makes sense in Customer Success teams.

  • Objective: Develop stellar skills within the team

  • Key Result 1: Reach 100% success rate on team members passing Reforge Customer Success course

An OKR example for optimizing team processes

In operational teams like Customer Success teams, optimizing processes is one of the things that can go a long way. Doing repetitive tasks can for some people be tiresome while others love it.

OKR can help you challenge the way things are done and how they can be optimized. For this use case, let’s focus on the different tasks each ticket requests a Customer Success agent to do and formulate an OKR like:

  • Objective: Optimize time to first reply

  • Key Result 1: Decrease avg. time to reply from 2 minutes to 1 minute

This post has hopefully given you additional insight into how Customer Success and OKR can work together to achieve business goals.

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